
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Still wondering about that identity thing....

I'm still puzzling over what I'll be if I can't go back to teaching.  I've been a teacher for about 30 years (in one guise or another) and have found it to be something that works for me.  It's thankless work much of the time, but every now and again, POW, it's magic.

I live for that magic.  Or did, anyway. We shall see what happens.

I've a friend wants to help me work on some writing, so that might be something worthwhile.

I can keep working on the pipes, and perhaps one day play along in a small group who like to play Irish trad music.  But there's no living in that.  That's hobby.  And I don't think  that at my advanced I'll ever play pipes well enough to make any money at it, aside from the occasional funeral.

Seamus Ennis (perhaps the most famous piper, ever) said, "Seven years of learning, seven years of practicing, and seven years of playing, and then you're a piper."  Well, Seamus, I ain't got that many years.  So I'll just play for my own amusement (and believe me, some of the sounds i make are funny!).

But what do you do when you are 57, you have probably 5 years to go (if I'm lucky), and you're faced with the decision, who do you want to be for the rest of your life?  Freaky.

I'm thinking and planning on getting back into the classroom for the Fall; we'll see how that goes.  I'll want some fairly extensive cognitive tests before I'm going to try to teach.  If I'm still impaired as I was at the end of last semester, no way am I going into any classroom other than as a student.

Hmm.  Maybe I could take some classes.  Hmm.

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